A r t i n M e d i a
That's what we've been doing since 1982.
Our mission: To meet clients' communications needs with well conceived, cost-effective media.

We create video and multimedia with creativity, razor-sharp content and hard core pizzazz.


Our number one consideration - Accomplish communications objectives: Selling, training, motivating action - our raisons d'etre.

Here, you will learn about the people of AiM, a team that brings a boatload of talent and experience to every project we undertake. You'll get a glimpse of some of the many exciting projects in our portfolio and find out about the complement of quality services that we offer. You can take a peek at fan mail we've received and check out a list of some of our numerous prestigous clients. Then, if you want to know more about us, view sample reels or arrange a demo, there's a handy form you can use to contact us. We look forward to hearing from you.

Now, if you've clicked all the buttons and checked out all the sections of this web site and still want to know more about us, our capabilities and our history, just click here.